7 Essential Insights For SEO Client Reports

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7 Essential Insights For SEO Client Reports

Perfect SEO Report

It’s important to deliver accurate and insightful reports when managing SEO for clients. It is your responsibility to provide your clients with the necessary information so that they can make informed decisions regarding their marketing efforts going forward. It is their roadmap to success. 

The key to consistently getting it right is to create a system that each client can replicate. So, what makes a perfect SEO report? These are the seven elements that make up the essentials.

What Is An SEO Report?

The SEO report summarizes your site’s performance every month based on great SEO metrics. A report typically includes information about organic traffic, conversions, backlinks, and a website’s technical health. Reports can, however, be customised to suit your needs. By using SEO reporting, you can show your boss or client how your SEO efforts have impacted their business.

The problem is that many SEO reports don’t disclose much to their readers. Most marketing managers and business owners know how to view their website’s statistics using Google Analytics. Traffic and conversion reports for the last 30 days are insufficient and do not fully provide the client’s required information.

It isn’t the best option for stakeholders to read a 100-plus page report that includes every metric under the sun, nor is it the best option for anyone else. Currently, many of them are completely meaningless. An SEO report should, at the very least, include the following information:

  • How far has the project progressed?
  • How have the activities been conducted, and what impact have they had?
  • Growth recommendations for the future.

Why Should You Produce a Regular SEO Report?

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is a marketing strategy designed to increase the visibility of an organisation. Those who do SEO strongly believe that the more people see their website, the higher the chances of getting in front of potential customers.

SEO reports can be used as a source of inspiration for content. They can be used to provide insight into the state or trends in the search engine optimisation industry and help clients understand what they need to do to get better rankings in their target markets.

SEO reports are essential for businesses to know how their competitors perform, what keywords they rank for and if they are doing better than them. This information can help businesses adjust their strategies to improve their performance.

What Goes Into a Good SEO Report?

SEO reports are crucial to any digital strategy of any company. It allows them to gain a better understanding of their customers’ businesses’ digital marketing strategies by providing well-written SEO reports. To make a valuable SEO report, you must consider the following:

1. Traffic: Sources

For this part of the report, you should also use the Source/Medium section of Google Analytics. It will help your client decide where to spend their time and money by giving you a better understanding of where their visitors come from.

2. Conversion Rate & Progress On Goals

It’s great to have massive traffic flows, but if you don’t understand what your visitors want and how they want to engage with your content, you won’t get very far with it. Keep your conversion rate near the top of your report so your clients can easily see it. The conversion rate is likely one of the most important key performance indicators (KPI) for your business.

In the subsequent sections of the report, you’ll explain why they see certain insights and data points once you’ve discovered the conversion rate.

3. Top Performing Pages

It’s great if someone stumbles upon your site organically through Google; however, it’s much more valuable if you know they clicked on your most recent blog post.

You should include top-performing pages to help your client understand what’s working and what’s not. When pages are doing well, they can usually learn lessons and apply them to pages that could use help attract (and keep!) traffic.

4. Page Speed Insights

We’ll take a short break from Google Analytics here and use a PageSpeed Insights tool. You can use this tool to show your clients how fast their pages are loading and what performance issues they may fix.

While page speed isn’t always a priority, visitor expectations are becoming increasingly demanding with their online experiences. Keeping visitors on your site means loading pages quickly.

5. Bounce Rate And Dwell Time

The ability to track the number of visitors to your site, the number of clicks on specific pages, and sometimes, the number of conversions is extremely helpful. A complete picture can only be achieved by knowing how long people are staying on your client’s site and how many of them leave after the first page.

If someone comes to a website from an organic search, their dwell time is the time they spend there. Do they want to explore other pages from there, or do they want to find a quick answer? High bounce rates aren’t always bad, however. That they bounced quickly means they’ve moved on to exploring the outbound links on your site if the landing page was packed with internal links.

6. Rankings And Backlinks

Websites that struggle to improve their search engine rankings can benefit from backlinks. To identify potential SEO opportunities, you can use many tools to track links you have.

Suppose you’ve determined which keywords are important to the client, including where the site ranks for those keywords. Rankings are no longer the be-all and end-all of SEO – we have learned that countless factors can affect rankings, including history, user location, and personalisation.

7. Recommendations And Next Steps

Amid a mountain of data, recommendations, and next steps may not be at the top of the client’s mind, but they are ultimately what they need.

The next steps and recommendations you make will use all the data you’ve gathered to develop an actionable plan for improving those shortcomings and maximising success.


To increase their search engine rankings, businesses need to create an SEO report that analyses their online marketing strategy’s impact on search engine rankings. Identifying their shortcomings and where they need improvement can also be helpful. Using SEO Reporting tools will make it easy for you to create a report that outlines the progress of the business and your plans for its future.


Can I run an SEO report on Google Analytics?

The search engine optimisation (SEO) report is very important in Google Analytics. It contains a list of keywords the user searched on when they visited your site. Below you will find a simple tutorial to help you understand what is going on with SEO reports in Google Analytics.

How is SEO KPI measured?

SEO KPIs are quantifiable values used to measure the effectiveness of a marketing team’s SEO efforts and performance. Monitoring your most important search metrics provides you with deeper insight into your search engine ranking and visibility and conversions that can be attributed to organic performance.

What metrics should I track for SEO?

These metrics can be used with other tools, such as Google Analytics and AdWords. You should also know how much time is spent on each page and how many people click on it.