ASO vs SEO: What They Mean and How They Are Used


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ASO vs SEO: What They Mean and How They Are Used


ASO vs SEO: Definition

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the terms “organic search engine optimisation” and “search engine optimisation.” The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a key distinction to make.

  • ASO (Organic search engine optimisation) is focused on improving the quality of your website’s content so that it ranks higher in organic search results.
  • On the other hand, SEO (Search engine optimisation) focuses on improving your website’s visibility and ranking in Google and other major search engines.

While both endeavours can be valuable, organic search engine optimisation is typically more strategic in nature and may require different techniques than those used for search engine optimisation.

ASO vs SEO: Goals

ASO vs SEO Goals

ASO goals:

ASO (organic search engine optimisation) is improving a website’s ranking in search engines based on its unique content and authority. The goal is to draw in organic traffic, which is free and earned through backlinks from websites with high trust ratings.

SEO goals:

SEO (search engine optimisation) makes a website rank better by optimising it for keywords that people are likely to type into a search box. Paid advertising, such as Google AdWords, can be used to target specific demographics or regions with ads that have been specifically created to appeal to them.

ASO vs SEO: Digital Domain

Digital Domain

Organic search engine optimisation (ASO) and search engine marketing (SEO) are important digital marketing strategies for businesses.

Here’s a look at the key differences between ASO and SEO:

  • ASO focuses on enhancing a website’s visibility and ranking within its own search engine, while SEO focuses on improving a website’s visibility and ranking across all major search engines.
  • ASO costs more than SEO, but it can increase traffic and revenue.

ASO can be used to improve a website’s overall ranking in its target market, while SEO may only focus on increasing traffic from specific markets.

ASO vs SEO: Ranking factors

  • ASO (also known as “acquisition-focused optimisation”) is a Google ranking factor that takes into account how well your website is ranked in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that ASO focuses on improving your website’s position in the organic SERPs.
  • SEO (“search engine optimisation”) is a process of optimising a website for better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

ASO vs SEO: Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the two key performance indicators (KPIs): organic search engine optimisation (ASO) and search engine marketing (SEO). It can be hard to tell which one is better for your business.

Here are some key differences between ASO and SEO:

  • ASO focuses on improving a website’s position in Google’s search results pages (SERPs), while SEO focuses on improving the visibility of a website across all search engines.
  • ASO is more focused on increasing click-through rates (CTRs) and other measures of engagement than SEO, which is more focused on getting people to click through to a website from a search result.

ASO typically costs more than SEO but can yield larger returns in terms of improved traffic and ROI.

ASO vs SEO: Duration

ASO vs SEO Duration

SEO is typically less expensive than ASO, but ASO can last longer because it relies on paid traffic. The average lifespan of an ASO campaign is 31 days, while the lifespan of a typical SEO campaign is only seven days. Paid search results are determined by how long a user remains on that page after clicking through a search engine ad. So if you want users to stay on your page for a long time (longer than 30 seconds), you need to pay for ads that will appear in those top positions.

Using the power of ASO and SEO

Using ASO and SEO can increase your website’s visibility in search engines and drive more traffic to your site. Here are four steps you can take to start using ASO and SEO to improve your website:

  1. Create a plan. Before you start any optimisation work, it’s important to have a plan. This will help you determine which areas of your website need attention and which optimisation tactics will be most effective.
  2. Identify target keywords. Once you have a plan, the next step is to identify the target keywords that best represent your business or product. These keywords should be relevant to your website and the content on it.
  3. Analyse competition. The next step is to analyse your competition, which will help you determine how well your website ranks in search engines. This step helps you identify competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

Make changes to improve ranking. After analysing your competition and competitive keywords, decide which of their strategies is most effective for you and implement the appropriate changes to optimise your website’s ranking in search engines like Google.


In conclusion, while ASO and SEO are important aspects of online marketing, choosing the strategy that best suits your business and target audience is important. ASO can help your website rank higher in search engines, while SEO can help you create better content that will attract more visitors.

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What are the benefits of ASO and SEO?

Here are some of the benefits of ASO and SEO:

  • Increased Visibility: ASO can help your website rank higher in search engines, leading to increased visibility and traffic.
  • Higher Rankings: With better rankings, your website will be seen by more potential customers.
  • More Revenue: If your website is ranking higher in search engines, you may see an increase in web traffic and overall revenue.
  • Improved Brand Awareness: If your website is well-optimized, it may be seen as a credible source of information by Google and other search engines. This can lead to increased brand awareness and visitor loyalty.

What are some of the challenges of ASO and SEO?

There are a few key challenges to SEO and ASO, which are often confused with one another.

  • ASO refers to the process of optimising a website for organic search engine ranking. This means that you’re focusing on improving your website’s content, usability, and backlinks to improve your site’s visibility and ranking.
  • Conversely, SEO is the practice of optimising your website for paid search engine results. This means concentrating on optimising your website for keywords that potential customers might be interested in looking for when searching online.

Both methods have their own challenges that need to be considered when optimisation is being pursued.

Does SEO beat ASO? (or is it the other way around?)

Organic search engine optimisation (ASO) and search engine optimisation (SEO) are two different approaches to improving website or web page visibility in online search engines. While both strategies can be effective, some experts argue that ASO is more effective than SEO. 

The main difference between ASO and SEO is that ASO focuses on creating unique content and optimising it for Google’s “organic” search results. In contrast, SEO focuses on optimising a site for better visibility in paid search results.

While there is no clear answer as to which approach is better, consistency and dedication are the keys to success with either strategy. An ASO strategy may be a better option if you want to improve your website’s visibility through organic search results.