XML sitemaps are important for SEO because they allow Google to find your site’s main pages.
Without a sitemap, Google cannot rank your content on the web.
Therefore, it’s important that you know that your sitemap is working properly. Add your website URL to learn more about your sitemaps.
An XML sitemap contains a list of all the URL links that are associated with your website.
These links inform Google on what pages to crawl. Google needs to crawl your pages in order to rank them correctly.
This includes the spider reading of each of the links and checking the content.
You will be able to check if your XML sitemap is working correctly in two steps.
You first want to paste your URL link into the checker and click check.
You will get either a red cross or a green tick. The green tick is positive and the red is negative.
The link provided has an XML sitemap, which is good news. Here is what happens when the link does not have an XML sitemap. Consider the following image.
When one creates a website, they are not required to create an XML sitemap. Yet, this step is recommended for all website owners.
So if you want help with driving more traffic to your page, why not sign up today?
Get access to Serpwizz’s XML sitemap checker tool along with a whole host of other SEO auditing features.
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