A link analysis tool exists to provide website owners everything they need to know regarding the quality and quantity of their links. This refers to the number of links their website is referring to.
For SEO matters, every website owner needs to consider external and internal links. When used correctly, it helps content reach a wider audience. External links are usually used to reach a social media platform and internal links refer to the content on our website.
Internal links are always done on the main domain and we want to get as many as possible. With this said, how do we check how many links we have on our website?
You want to insert your main URL. Take a look below.
You can insert any link on your page, but I recommend that you first insert your website’s main URL. It will provide you with a better analysis.
It will give you an exact figure of links on your website. However, a figure isn’t enough. We need to know where our links are coming from and we need to check them.
Let’s move on to the next step.
You need to click read more. This will bring you to this page.
You should be able to see all of the 40 links by scrolling down. As you can see, it provides you with the anchor text used on your website. We can even click on each term to make sure our link redirects are working.
Not only will you check the number of your links, you will also be able to check that they are working properly.
So if you want help with driving more traffic to your page, why not sign up today?
Get access to Serpwizz’s Link Analysis tool along with a whole host of other SEO auditing features.
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